Source code for pygmt.src.meca

meca - Plot focal mechanisms.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pygmt.clib import Session
from pygmt.exceptions import GMTError, GMTInvalidInput
from pygmt.helpers import build_arg_string, fmt_docstring, kwargs_to_strings, use_alias

def data_format_code(convention, component="full"):
    Determine the data format code for meca's -S option.

    See the meca() method for explanations of the parameters.

    >>> data_format_code("aki")
    >>> data_format_code("gcmt")
    >>> data_format_code("partial")

    >>> data_format_code("mt", component="full")
    >>> data_format_code("mt", component="deviatoric")
    >>> data_format_code("mt", component="dc")
    >>> data_format_code("principal_axis", component="full")
    >>> data_format_code("principal_axis", component="deviatoric")
    >>> data_format_code("principal_axis", component="dc")

    >>> for code in ["a", "c", "m", "d", "z", "p", "x", "y", "t"]:
    ...     assert data_format_code(code) == code

    >>> data_format_code("invalid")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    pygmt.exceptions.GMTInvalidInput: Invalid convention 'invalid'.

    >>> data_format_code("mt", "invalid")  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    Traceback (most recent call last):
        Invalid component 'invalid' for convention 'mt'.
    # Codes for focal mechanism formats determined by "convention"
    codes1 = {"aki": "a", "gcmt": "c", "partial": "p"}
    # Codes for focal mechanism formats determined by both "convention" and
    # "component"
    codes2 = {
        "mt": {"deviatoric": "z", "dc": "d", "full": "m"},
        "principal_axis": {"deviatoric": "t", "dc": "y", "full": "x"},

    if convention in codes1:
        return codes1[convention]
    if convention in codes2:
        if component not in codes2[convention]:
            raise GMTInvalidInput(
                f"Invalid component '{component}' for convention '{convention}'."
        return codes2[convention][component]
    if convention in ["a", "c", "m", "d", "z", "p", "x", "y", "t"]:
        return convention
    raise GMTInvalidInput(f"Invalid convention '{convention}'.")

@kwargs_to_strings(R="sequence", c="sequence_comma", p="sequence")
def meca(
    Plot focal mechanisms.

    Full option list at :gmt-docs:`supplements/seis/meca.html`


    spec: str, 1D array, 2D array, dict, or pd.DataFrame
        Data that contains focal mechanism parameters.

        ``spec`` can be specified in either of the following types:

        - ``str``: a file name containing focal mechanism parameters as
          columns. The meanings of each column is:

          - Columns 1 and 2: event longitude and latitude
          - Column 3: event depth (in km)
          - Columns 4 to 3+n: focal mechanism parameters. The number of columns
            *n* depends on the choice of ``convection``, which will be
            described below.
          - Columns 4+n and 5+n: longitude, latitude at which to place
            beachball. Using ``0 0`` will plot the beachball at the longitude,
            latitude given in columns 1 and 2. [optional and requires
            ``offset=True`` to take effect].
          - Text string to appear near the beach ball [optional].

        - **1D array**: focal mechanism parameters of a single event.
          The meanings of columns are the same as above.
        - **2D array**: focal mechanim parameters of multiple events.
          The meanings of columns are the same as above.
        - dict or pd.DataFrame: The dict keys or pd.DataFrame column names
          determine the focal mechanims convention. For different conventions,
          the following combination of keys are allowed:

          - ``"aki"``: *strike, dip, rake, magnitude*
          - ``"gcmt"``: *strike1, dip1, rake1, strike2, dip2, rake2, mantissa,*
          - ``"mt"``: *mrr, mtt, mff, mrt, mrf, mtf, exponent*
          - ``"partial"``: *strike1, dip1, strike2, fault_type, magnitude*
          - ``"principal_axis"``: *t_value, t_azimuth, t_plunge, n_value,
            n_azimuth, n_plunge, p_value, p_azimuth, p_plunge, exponent*

          A dict may contain values for a single focal mechanism or lists of
          values for multiple focal mechanisms.

          Both dict and pd.DataFrame may optionally contain keys/column names:
          ``latitude``, ``longitude``, ``depth``, ``plot_longitude``,
          ``plot_latitude``, and/or ``event_name``.

          For ``spec`` in either a str, a 1D array or a 2D array, the
          ``convention`` parameter is required so we know how to interpret the
          columns. For ``spec`` in a dict or a pd.DataFrame, ``convention`` is
          not needed and is ignored if specified.

    scale: str
        Adjusts the scaling of the radius of the beachball, which is
        proportional to the magnitude. *scale* defines the size for
        magnitude = 5 (i.e. scalar seismic moment M0 = 4.0E23 dynes-cm).
    convention: str
        Focal mechanism convention. Choose from:
        - ``"aki"`` (Aki & Richards)
        - ``"gcmt"`` (global CMT)
        - ``"mt"`` (seismic moment tensor)
        - ``"partial"`` (partial focal mechanism)
        - ``"principal_axis"`` (principal axis).

        Ignored if ``spec`` is a dictionary or pd.DataFrame.
    component: str
        The component of the seismic moment tensor to plot.

        - ``"full"``: the full seismic moment tensor
        - ``"dc"``: the closest double couple defined from the moment tensor
          (zero trace and zero determinant)
        - ``"deviatoric"``: deviatoric part of the moment tensor (zero trace)
    longitude: int, float, list, or 1d numpy array
        Longitude(s) of event location. Must be the same length as the
        number of events. Will override the ``longitude`` values
        in ``spec`` if ``spec`` is a dict or pd.DataFrame.
    latitude: int, float, list, or 1d numpy array
        Latitude(s) of event location. Must be the same length as the
        number of events. Will override the ``latitude`` values
        in ``spec`` if ``spec`` is a dict or pd.DataFrame.
    depth: int, float, list, or 1d numpy array
        Depth(s) of event location in kilometers. Must be the same length as
        the number of events. Will override the ``depth`` values in ``spec``
        if ``spec`` is a dict or pd.DataFrame.
    plot_longitude: int, float, list, or 1d numpy array
        Longitude(s) at which to place beachball. Must be the same length as
        the number of events. Will override the ``plot_longitude`` values in
        ``spec`` if ``spec`` is a dict or pd.DataFrame.
    plot_latitude: int, float, list, or 1d numpy array
        Latitude(s) at which to place beachball. List must be the same length
        as the number of events. Will override the ``plot_latitude`` values in
        ``spec`` if ``spec`` is a dict or pd.DataFrame.
    event_name : str or list of str, or 1d numpy array
        Text strings (e.g., event names) to appear near the beach ball. List
        must be the same length as the number of events. Will override the
        ``event_name`` values in ``spec`` if ``spec`` is a dict or
    offset: bool or str
        [**+p**\ *pen*][**+s**\ *size].
        Offsets beachballs to the longitude, latitude specified in the last two
        columns of the input file or array, or by ``plot_longitude`` and
        ``plot_latitude`` if provided. A small circle is plotted at the initial
        location and a line connects the beachball to the circle. Use
        **+s**\ *size* to set the diameter of the circle [Default is
        no circle]. Use **+p**\ *pen* to set the line pen attributes [Default
        is 0.25p].
    no_clip : bool
        Does NOT skip symbols that fall outside frame boundary specified by
        *region* [Default is False, i.e. plot symbols inside map frame only].
    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,too-many-branches
    kwargs = self._preprocess(**kwargs)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    if isinstance(spec, (dict, pd.DataFrame)):  # spec is a dict or pd.DataFrame
        param_conventions = {
            "aki": ["strike", "dip", "rake", "magnitude"],
            "gcmt": [
            "mt": ["mrr", "mtt", "mff", "mrt", "mrf", "mtf", "exponent"],
            "partial": ["strike1", "dip1", "strike2", "fault_type", "magnitude"],
            "pricipal_axis": [
        # determine convention from dict keys or pd.DataFrame column names
        for conv, paras in param_conventions.items():
            if set(paras).issubset(set(spec.keys())):
                convention = conv
            if isinstance(spec, dict):
                msg = "Keys in dict 'spec' do not match known conventions."
                msg = "Column names in pd.DataFrame 'spec' do not match known conventions."
            raise GMTError(msg)

        # override the values in dict/pd.DataFrame if parameters are explicity
        # specified
        if longitude is not None:
            spec["longitude"] = np.atleast_1d(longitude)
        if latitude is not None:
            spec["latitude"] = np.atleast_1d(latitude)
        if depth is not None:
            spec["depth"] = np.atleast_1d(depth)
        if plot_longitude is not None:  # must be in string type
            spec["plot_longitude"] = np.atleast_1d(plot_longitude).astype(str)
        if plot_latitude is not None:  # must be in string type
            spec["plot_latitude"] = np.atleast_1d(plot_latitude).astype(str)
        if event_name is not None:
            spec["event_name"] = np.atleast_1d(event_name).astype(str)

        # convert dict to pd.DataFrame so columns can be reordered
        if isinstance(spec, dict):
            spec = pd.DataFrame(spec)

        # expected columns are:
        # longitude, latitude, depth, focal_parameters,
        #   [plot_longitude, plot_latitude] [event_name]
        newcols = ["longitude", "latitude", "depth"] + param_conventions[convention]
        if "plot_longitude" in spec.columns and "plot_latitude" in spec.columns:
            newcols += ["plot_longitude", "plot_latitude"]
            kwargs["A"] = True
        if "event_name" in spec.columns:
            newcols += ["event_name"]
        # reorder columns in DataFrame
        spec = spec.reindex(newcols, axis=1)
    elif isinstance(spec, np.ndarray) and spec.ndim == 1:
        # Convert 1d array into 2d array
        spec = np.atleast_2d(spec)

    # determine data_foramt from convection and component
    data_format = data_format_code(convention=convention, component=component)

    # Assemble -S flag
    kwargs["S"] = data_format + scale
    with Session() as lib:
        # Choose how data will be passed into the module
        file_context = lib.virtualfile_from_data(check_kind="vector", data=spec)
        with file_context as fname:
            lib.call_module(module="meca", args=build_arg_string(kwargs, infile=fname))